New Day


New Day

The Door
I have been contemplating on beginning a blog for some time now. I am not sure what will come of it as many people around the world are doing the same. I am currently enduring many tests in my life right now, and maybe, just maybe it is a way for me to be able to cope with the challenges.
The challenge for me is to see the light, to understand that when one door closes another shall open.
The battle is internal, the fight is mine alone and if I am to survive the tests, I must endure. I hope that this blog will get me to a place of comfort, understanding and of peace. I know that along the way, my path is being lit by many small lights, the energy and love from others who are hoping and praying for me.
They share and give their love to me, but it is I who must carry the weight of my travels. I will keep walking until that next door opens up for me. When that will be is anyone’s guess, but my hope is that I stay with the light and stay found, and don’t get lost again while doing it.