

Light of the day


I took a pilgrimage this past weekend. About 500 miles to a destination of worship.

I had made a promise to my grandmother many many years ago. it was a troubling time and my grandmother was there for me, sending out her positive wishes, hopes and prayer for me. After getting through that rough patch in my life she took me to her church and made me crawl on my knees throughout the church saying a prayer with her.
Afterwards she made me promise to visit a small church she had made pilgrimages to, many times over her lifetime.
I told her I would.

It has been about a few decades since making that promise. My grandmother is gone, and in a better place I am sure.
But it was brought to my attention a few weeks ago that considering the amounts of prayers I have been sending upward lately, to assist me in getting out of this hole I am currently in, that it might be a good idea to call upon my favorite Angel, and let her know that I would be fulfilling my promise. So, my mother and I took a trip.

I kept waiting for this miracle, this whispering voice or burning bush to step out and speak to me…..but it never transpired.
No, in looking at my time there, it was one of enjoyment of spending a day with my Mother, having many thoughts of my grandmother as a kid, and of worshiping with other people who were pilgrims themselves.
Many different reasons to be making that trip, but all of us in the same boat, looking for those calming waters together.
I came away from that place with a message that was spoken to me in the sermon.
“Everyone has crosses to carry, painful crosses, but this is not about ‘you’. It is not wise to say or ask ‘why me’, ‘why, why, why’. It is about God, and what he can do for you, to take away that pain, and to give you what you seek. He is there for you, as you are not making the trek alone.”

Now, God, as whatever he means to you, The Creator, The Universe, Providence, The One, Alpha/Omega, The Source……I believe that the message was for me to hear, but not just hear it, but to believe it. I have been hanging on very strongly with HOPE, knowing that my current situation is just that, the ‘now’, not the ‘all’ of my existence.
I hope that the clarity of mind and wisdom reaches us all, when messages are heard from the world. Clear mind to hear and understand the message, and the wisdom enough to follow and carry the message forward.