Refuge found


Weird to think it has almost been 6 months since I have posted anything on here. I looked back to a year ago, at my posts, and realized I had much to be Thankful for. Last year at this time I no longer was the Unemployed MBA, but an employed MBA.

The journey has been some ride. I went from being at my lowest low to my highest high when I found work.
I found that remaining quiet when I believed things could be different at work, was something new to me. I was still in shock about being unemployed for so long, that I didn’t want to rock the boat. I was very humbled by my experience and didn’t want to blow it. BUT, as I have always said, if you are in a boat that is not rocking, that just means you are not going anywhere.

I realized that it was very hard for me to stay quiet. I did it, but it was hard.
I recalled one meeting with my old manager, about how he had told me about ‘expectations’, that I was not hired as a manager or a Sr. employee. I said yes I recall that, and I answered, ‘but I can’t unlearn all that I have learned within my professional experiences’, many of those experiences did apply to certain situations we were dealing with at the time.
I was offered employment with a startup company while employed with my first O&G company, and took the Sr. consultant position. It has proven to be the best move for me.
I am back at my pre Oil/Gas industry salary, I have executives that I meet with every week who say things such as “I don’t know about that, what do you think?” directing the questions at me and allowing me to give my two cents with no fear of repercussions.
They don’t expect everyone to know the answer, only that you will work hard to find out what the answer is and to share it with everyone. They are setting up a net for me, to not be fearful of being who I am freely. That has been the biggest reward for me, and has proven to be my biggest joy to date within my professional experiences.

I believe that the Universe was making moves for me, removing obstacles and finding a way for me where before there hadn’t been a way to see. It was hard, I had to endure many sleepless nights and many zombie like days. The doubt and uncertainty in a spouse. But I had unwavering love from my daughters, and my God.
I found faith again, and realized that you have to doubt “something” to truly appreciate it, and even atheists have faith of their convictions, correct?

Since my pilgrimage south, to a church that was dear to my grandmother, I have continued on the promise I made to God, of praying to him every night as I used to as a boy, on my knees. It is a moment every day, when I know I am connecting with the world, the Universe and the spirit of One. I ask for it daily, to recognize my connection to all, and to be a help/servant to those in need. Whether in business or outside of 9-5 on a daily basis.
So this weekend and the last few weekends coming up, I am giving back again. This time on Thanksgiving day, to the needy and homeless. Part of a group that is working in a kitchen making meals for them all. Also doing a volunteer work this weekend for a cancer run, wherever they need me I will be there. And hopefully in December at the local food bank, as that was the start of it all for me back in January.

Not sure if I will get back on this blog before the New Year, but I will try.
I found something online that is supposed to be pretty powerful. Once again, politics, religion aside, you call God what you wish. My main intent is the message being said in the words. For right now, I am Thankful, for all the favors and blessings that were given me this year, today, and the ones coming tomorrow. I know, I am in favor and blessed every day I can draw a breath.

לַֽ֭יהוָה מַחְסִ֣י וּמְצוּדָתִ֑י אֱ֝לֹהַ֗י אֶבְטַח־“

Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
He will call on me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him.
With long life I will satisfy him
and show him my salvation.”

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